[title text=”Web Application Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Form Control Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Currency Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Text Editor Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Directional Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Video Player Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Brand Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Medical Icons” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[title text=”Icon Styles” size=”h3″ line=”yes” icon=”fa-asterisk” icon_color=”theme”]
[icon name=”fa-star” size=”fa-2x” color=”darkcyan” align=”center”]
[title text=”You can use left, center, right align for icon and also can use theme provided 22 colors” size=”h4″ line=”no” align=”center”]
[space size=”small”]
[icon name=”fa-star” size=”fa-3x” color=”orange” align=”left”]
[title text=”You can use left, center, right align for icon and also can use theme provided 22 colors” size=”h4″ line=”no” align=”left”]
[space size=”small”]
[icon name=”fa-star” size=”fa-4x” color=”deeppink” align=”right”]
[title text=”You can use left, center, right align for icon and also can use theme provided 22 colors” size=”h4″ line=”no” align=”right”]
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