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[title text=”CORE FEATURES” align=”center” line=”no” size=”h2″]
[title text=”More compatibility allows you to use more simple” align=”center” line=”no” size=”h5″]
[service align=”center” color=”crimson” icon=”fa-rocket” title=”Bootstrap 3″ bg_type=”default_bg”]Alterna 7 completed based on Bootstrap 3, it’s most popular front-end framework for responsive, mobile projects.[/service]
[service align=”center” color=”gold” icon=”fa-lightbulb-o” title=”Visual Composer 4″ bg_type=”default_bg”]Alterna 7 integrate Visual Composer 4, it’s most popular drag & drop page builder and also support front online edit.[/service]
[service align=”center” color=”deeppink” icon=”fa-shopping-cart” title=”WooCommerce 2.1″ bg_type=”default_bg”]Alterna 7 integrate WooCommerce 2.1+, it’s most popular shop plugin.Alterna also updated shop style more clean.[/service]
[service align=”center” color=”chocolate” icon=”fa-code” title=”Update Elements” bg_type=”default_bg”]Alterna 7 had update all elements style and shortcode insert UI then don’t need add code all by options setting.[/service]
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[title text=”Let’s get started.” align=”center” line=”no” size=”h2″]
[title text=”Alterna 7 is a new theme is different from the prior version, when you use the V7 version will be easier and more convenient. You will be more like it and buy it and use it again. Let us continue to learn under details. . .” align=”center” line=”no” size=”h5″]
[img effect=”fadeInUp” src=”http://onetune.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pg1.png” align=”aligncenter”]
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[img align=”aligncenter” src=”http://onetune.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/p3.png” effect=”fadeInLeft”]
[title text=”Frontend Page Builder” align=”left” line=”no” size=”h2″]
[title text=”Alterna 7 Integrating Visual Composer 4. It’s WordPress drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content. You will be able to take full control over your WordPress site, build any layout you can imagine – no programming knowledge required. Moreover, now you can choose either work on a backend or move your page building process to frontend and instantly see changes you make. ” align=”left” line=”no” size=”h5″]
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[title text=”Includes Features” align=”left” line=”no” size=”h2″]
[bullets effect=”fadeInUp”]
[bullet icon=”fa-refresh” color=”purple”]Retina & Responsive[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-compass” color=”purple”]Bootstop 3 & FontAwesome 4[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-compass” color=”purple”]Drag & Drop Page Builder[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-hdd-o” color=”purple”]5 Header Style Custom[/bullet]
[bullet icon=” fa-random” color=”purple”]61 CSS3 Animate Effect[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-flag” color=”purple”]2 Premium Slider Plugin Included[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-shield” color=”purple”]Power Options Admin Panel[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-cogs” color=”purple”]Integrating WooCommerce[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-puzzle-piece” color=”purple”]WPML & SEO Ready[/bullet]
[bullet icon=”fa-star” color=”purple”]Child Theme & Multi-Site Support[/bullet]
[img align=”aligncenter” src=”http://onetune.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pg21.png” effect=”fadeInRight”]
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[call_to_action title=”Thank you for your visit” size=”big” btn_title=”View Alterna 7 More Details” url=”http://themefocus.co/alterna/newdemo/features/” target=”_self” btn_color=”deepskyblue” effect=”fadeInUp” btn_style=”float-btn”]Do you looking for an awesome wordpress theme for your website?[/call_to_action]
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